Insightful Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence

Real Estate Sector Case: Company planning to set up a factory for consumer durable products in one of the Indian villages Methodology:  IICPL’s team of researchers conducted field research and location risk assessment of the identified location for the same. Checks were done to understand all kinds of risks that might pose impact to the […]

Risk and compliance

Real Estate Sector Case: Company planning to set up a factory for consumer durable products in one of the Indian villages Methodology:  IICPL’s team of researchers conducted field research and location risk assessment of the identified location for the same. Checks were done to understand all kinds of risks that might pose impact to the […]

Due Diligences

Real Estate Sector Case: A large Private Equity firm was investing in a real estate company in India. Methodology: Our due diligence team carried out intensive search including registration checks, database checks, litigation history and reputational intelligence. Primary source enquiries were made to ascertain the reputation of the subject entity and its key principals. Another […]